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Using Contract Sections

Mastt's new Contract Sections feature allows you to accurately represent your contract breakdown, providing greater clarity for your larger contracts.

How to Create a Contract using Sections

  1. Navigate to the Contracts page of the Cost Module, and then click + Add Contract to begin adding a contract.
  2. Fill in the Contract Information, like the Title, Contract Standard, Budget, PO Number, and Date Approved (if relevant)
    1. Once a Contract Standard has been selected, you will be able to enter in Contract Roles (information around the Vendor/Contractor/Consultant, the Principal, and the Project Manager) and Set Up & Configuration (Security of Payment Act Jurisdiction, GST/VAT Rate, and adjusting the Payment Clause if needed)
  3. The Contract will have a single empty Line Item already. To add a Contract Section, click on the Add Section button on the bottom left hand side of the form. This will add a Section below the empty Line Item.
  4. Once a Contract Section has been created, you can add Sub-Sections or Line Items by clicking on the Blue Plus icon to the right of the Section Name field.
  5. Once finished, click on the blue Add button in the bottom right hand corner.

How to add Sections to an Existing Contract

  1. Navigate to the Contracts page of the Cost Module, and then click the Action button next to the contract and select Edit Contract
  2. Click on Add Section below the Line Items to add a new Contract Section. You can add existing Line Items to the new Section by dragging them into the Section.
  3. Once finished, click Update in the bottom right hand corner.

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