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Mastt Glossary

Definitions for terms used across Mastt's modules.

Account & Setup

  • Organisation: your Company/Mastt Subscription. All Projects, Programs and Users are linked to an Organisation.
  • Position: the permissions assigned to individual users. This determines what they can do within their Mastt organisation. 
  • Auth Provider: how a user will login to Mastt. They can either login with an Email Address and Password, or can use Microsoft Login. 
  • Default Photo: The image that appears on the My Projects/Programs page to help identify the Project/Program
  • Project/Program Admin: A user who has admin permissions for a Project or Program but not for the Organisation. These users can re-open Cash Flow months and delete payments in closed Cash Flow months, but cannot create new users or change user access rights.
  • Action Button: Horizontal or Vertical Three Dots button located adjacent to anything you have created in Mastt. After clicking the Three Dots Button, it will reveal multiple settings and functions for that item, such as 'Edit Description' or 'Add Variation'.  
  • Adjust Columns: option to choose which columns are visible on the selected page or tile. 
  • Filters: option to change what is shown in the selected tile or page. 
  • Export
    • All Data: export all items on the current page to a .CSV file. 
    • Current View: export only the filtered items on the current page to a .CSV file.
  • Details: provides detailed item-specific information, like Comments, Attachments, and Audit History.
  • Audit Log: shows all changes across the Project, including which user made the changes and the previous values.
  • Project: the home for your management and administration of contracts for your real-world planning, design, or construction project. Projects on Mastt is where all data is entered.
  • Program: a roll-up or collection of projects. Projects in Mastt are aggregated into one view to give organisations, PMOs, and program managers ultimate visibility into the projects they are responsible for.

Cost Module

The Cost Module is where all Project Financial Data is added. 

  • Overall: shows all information about the Project or Programs finances on a single pane.
  • Budget
    • Tag: a unique identifier to simplify filtering of dashboards. Tiles (like the big number tile) can be filtered to only show specific budget tags at the Project and Program level.
    • Sub-Budgets: further breakdowns of budgets or sub-budgets to simplify financial management for your Projects and Programs.
    • Transfer Funds: moving funds between your Budgets and Sub-Budgets without changing the Original Budget amount.
    • Add/Remove Funds: adding additional funds or removing existing funds from a Budget or Sub-Budget without changing the Original Budget amount.
  • Contracts
    • Contract Standards: the specific Contract Standard for that specific Contract. This will prefill the correct Payment Clause on the Payment Certificates and Schedules and allow you to define the Contract Roles applicable under the standard.
    • Contract Roles: roles that have been defined under the chosen Contract Standard. This is where the Superintendent for the Contract is defined. 
    • Line Item: specific payment milestones or line items within a contract. 
    • Status: the current state of a contract line item.
  • Variations
    • Category: classification or type of variation being addressed. This makes it easier to manage and track different types of variations throughout the project.
    • Status: current stage of a variation request in the review process. It provides insight into the progress and decision-making status of the variation.
    • Submitted Amount/EOT: requested amount/EOT in a variation request, representing either additional costs or extra time needed due to project changes or issues.
    • Approved Amount/EOT: amount or extra time officially approved after reviewing a variation request, reflecting the final change to the contract's budget or schedule.
    • Approval PDF: official PDF document confirming the approval of a variation request, detailing the approved amount or EOT and any related comments or conditions.
  • Forecasts
    • Type: option to choose specific category or classification of anticipated costs within a project. Each type of forecast serves a different function in managing project costs and risks.
    • Likelihood: the probability or chance that a particular forecasted cost will actually occur. 
    • Starting Amount: the initial cost estimate entered for a forecast, serving as the baseline figure for anticipated expenses.
    • Current Amount: where you can revise cost estimate for an item or activity, reflecting updates from the original Starting Amount due to changes.
  • Payments
    • Month
      • Payment Period From/To: you can specify precise dates for the payment period if it does not align with the first and last days of the month.
    • Month Paid: this is where the payment will appear in Cash Flow module.
    • Status: shows the approval level of a contract or payment.
    • Payment Statement/Claim No.: unique identifier assigned to each payment request or claim within Australian Defence projects. It helps track and manage payments through various stages of approval and settlement.
    • Submitted Amounts: column that can be added for discrepancies from the approved amount.
    • Reimbursable: if toggle is on, only Reimbursable Contracts will appear. Without selecting this option, only Direct Contracts will be displayed in the Add Contract selection.
    • Comments: can be used when leaving notes if there is variance or difference between submitted and approved amounts.
    • Retention: Mastt allows for payments to be made with or without including Retentions. This means that when creating a payment, you can choose whether to include any Retentions applicable to that payment.
  • Cash Flow
    • Range: this section allows you to select the specific time period for displaying and analyzing the data.
    • Cumulative: if this option is selected, the cash flow chart and corresponding data table show the total amounts accumulated from the start of the selected range up to each subsequent period.
    • Contract Cash Flow - allows you to track and manage the financial aspect and monitor the expenses, control costs, identify variances, analyse financial performance, and make informed decisions for project success within budget constraints. 

    • Budget Cash Flow - enables you to effectively track and manage the financial aspects of a contract by providing a detailed overview of the funds coming in and going out throughout the project's duration.
    • Cash Flow Settings
      • Target/Baseline -  allows you to establish financial goals and benchmarks for the project, with the target representing the desired outcome and the baseline serving as a reference point for comparing actual performance against projections. It enables you to track progress, identify variances, and make informed decisions to ensure the project stays within budget constraints and meets financial objectives.
      • Schedule - you have the option to show the schedule within the cash flow view.
      • Cumulative Overlay - helps you visually tracks financial data evolution over time, aiding in trend analysis and informed decision-making.
      • Decimal Places: this setting allows you to control the precision of numbers displayed in reports, charts, and data tables.
      • Denomination: choose your desired unit of currency that will be used for reporting financial figures. Within Mastt, you can set the denomination to either MillionsBillions, or Thousands.
    • Create Report: create a cash flow dashboard that can be easily used for presentations and can also be saved as a PDF for easy sharing and printing.

Dashboard Module

  • Tiles
    • Tile Settings - allows you to customise the tiles to display project information, adjust layout, size, and content to highlight key data points, empowering you to create personalised dashboards for effective communication and decision-making.
    • Edit Text - allows you to customise the text on a specific tile. You can adjust the text fonts, add links, and even create tables to enhance the content of the tile.
  • View Options
    • Print Preview - have full control over the layout of the page and effectively organise the tiles displayed on each page and preview how the page will look when downloaded or printed, allowing you to adjust the placement of tiles for optimal presentation and readability. 
    • Presentation - can be used while presenting without changing or moving the tiles set up.
    • Drag & Resize - allows you to easily reposition and adjust the size of tiles on the dashboard. By simply clicking and dragging the corners of a tile, you can resize it to fit their preferred layout.
  • Create Dashboard -  this action allows you to create their own project dashboard report by selecting and arranging various tiles to display relevant information in a visually appealing and organised manner. You can customise tiles, adjust settings, and create a flexible and user-friendly dashboard to present data, track project progress, and make informed decisions.
  • Settings - allows you to modify page settings such as adjusting print orientation, toggling the display of footer dates, and choosing whether to show or hide last updated dates.
    • Print Orientation - the layout in which the dashboard or page will be printed, whether it is in portrait or landscape mode. 
    • Hide Footer Date - allows you to toggle the display of the footer date on the dashboard or page. 
    • Hide Last Updated Dates - allows you to choose whether to display or hide the last updated dates on the dashboard or page.
  • Download
    • Dashboard - allows you to save and export their customised project dashboard reports. You can create a flexible and user-friendly dashboard by arranging tiles to display information. They can save settings, export in various formats, and tailor elements for easy sharing and offline viewing.

    • Tile - allows you to download individual tiles from the dashboard for offline viewing or sharing purposes. 

  • Save - you can save their progress and changes to preserve data securely for future reference.

Risk Module

  • Chart
    • Matrix - helps user identify high-priority risks for immediate attention, resource allocation, and decision-making to manage threats.
    • Totals - project's total number of risks per category. This is a crucial metric that provides a structured and quantitative approach to understanding and managing risks to make informed decisions and allocate resources efficiently.
    • Provision - The total number of risks provision per category helps you track and manage the set-aside resources designated to cover potential losses or uncertainties within specific risk categories.
    • Cost - allows you to track the number of potential cost risks per category is crucial for financial management and risk mitigation. It helps allocate resources, plan contingencies, and ensure project financial resilience, leading to successful project execution within budget constraints.
    • Delay - allows you to track the total number of days of potential risk delay per category is a critical metric for project schedule management. It guides resource allocation, supports proactive contingency planning, and enhances overall project timeliness, contributing to the successful and timely completion of projects.
    • Risk Reference - your guide to track the information about identified risks, their characteristics, and the strategies for managing them. It enhances communication, accountability, and the overall effectiveness of risk management efforts throughout the project or operational lifecycle.
    • Impact Reference -  your guide to evaluate how significantly a risk could affect the project if it were to occur.
    • Hide - Utilise this functionality if you wish to hide the chart in order to enhance the overall visibility of the risk table.
  • Status - the current state or progress of a contract line item. Options include Active, Draft, Realised or Retired.
  • Key Risk  - this designation is used to easily identify risks that have the potential to significantly impact the success of a project or organisation if they were to occur. 
  • Category - identifying potential risks related to specific aspects of a project, such as schedule, cost, scope, or quality. 
  • Cause - allows you to manage the root factor that initiates or plays a role in the emergence of a risk event. It serves as the starting point or source of a potential threat that could result in negative consequences for a project, process, or organisation.
  • Impacts & Treatments
    • Likelihood - lets you manage the rating or the probability of a risk event occurring during a project, typically expressed in terms like rare, possible, likely, or almost certain.
    • Impact - allows you to track the extent or severity of the consequences that a risk event would have on a project if it were to occur.
    • Cost - the allocated sum for a particular risk
    • Delay - duration of delay resulting from a specific risk
  • Cost Module - integration of the risks into the cost module. Allowing any changes to Risks or Costs to seamlessly sync between the two modules. 
    • Factor (%) - additional weighting percentage used to further asses the Post - Treatment cost. This adjusted value will be the amount that is added to the Cost Module within the selected Budget.

Schedule Module

  • Milestone - a significant event that indicates a major stage in your project.
  • Key Milestone - significant event or a critical point in your project timeline that marks the completion of a major phase or task.
  • Phase - specific stage or period within your overall project timeline that focuses on planning, detailing, and managing the schedule of activities
  • Start Date - the date when a milestone begins
  • Baseline Date/Baseline Completion - the original planned date for a specific milestone in a project
  • Planned Date/Forecast Completion - the current projected date for when a milestone is expected to be completed. 
  • Actual Date/Actual Completion - the date when a specific activity or milestone is actually completed
  • Status
    • Not Started - milestones that have not yet commenced
    • In Progress - work milestone in progress
    • Completed - the date when the milestone is fully completed
    • X% Completed - allows you to monitor the progress of completion on your project milestone.
  • Start/End - to track the schedule phase. Activating the start and end buttons initiates the tracking of project phases on the dashboard reporting tile.  (?)
  • Template - you have the option to create a structured framework for organising and planning milestones, defining phases, and highlighting key events within specific timeframes, ensuring consistency in scheduling tasks.

Snapshot Module

  • Snapshot Title - the title you chose for the data snapshot that has been created.
  • Current as of Date - this is the last day of the reporting period.