Mastt User Permissions

Group 1655 If you feel you should have a different permission level, reach out to your Organisation Admin for assistance. 

Mastt uses different user permission levels to assist our customers manage access to their data and to their Mastt instance. Any changes to User Permissions can only be done by an Organisation Admin through the admin portal in Mastt.

Table of Contents

  1. Standard User
  2. Project Admin
  3. Organisation Admin
  4. Organisation Admin (Project Creator)
  5. Deprecated Permissions

Standard User

Standard Users are the most common user types, and should be assigned to most users in your organisation. Standard users will have access to projects and programs that have been assigned to them by Admin. Standard users will be able to edit projects they have access to (unless the project has been marked as Read-only by an admin) and make changes to their user account (like changing their password)

Project Admin

Project Administrators possess only project-level admin permissions in Mastt and are assigned by the Organisation Administrator. If a user is assigned Project Admin permissions, they have Admin permissions on all projects to which they are assigned. Project Admin permissions include:


  • Create new users

  • Edit user details for those users on the same projects.

  • Reset a user's password


  • View Programs that the Project Admin has created
  • Create new Programs/Portfolios
  • Edit a Program's details
  • Delete a Program
  • Invite/Remove User's to a Program


  • Edit Project Details for which the Project Admin is assigned
  • View/Edit Users for which the Project Admin is assigned, including toggle for Read-Only and Project Admin permissions
  • Invite/Remove users to a Project

Organisation Admin

Organisation Administrators have the highest level of permissions in Mastt and are assigned by the Organisation as an internal 'lead' or 'champion' for Mastt.


  • Create new users
  • Edit user's details
  • Delete users
  • Reset a user's password


  • View all Programs under that Organisation
  • Create new Programs/Portfolios
  • Edit a Program's details
  • Delete a Program
  • Invite/Remove User's to a Program


  • View all Project's under that Organisation
  • Edit Project Details
  • View/Edit Users, including toggle for Read Only and Project Admin permissions
  • Invite/Remove user's to a Project

Organisation Admin (Project Creator)

Organisation Admin (Project Creator) have the same permissions as a standard Organisation Admin, but are also able to create new Projects under their Organisation

Deprecated Permissions

There are also "Program Admin" and "Mastt Admin" permissions roles, however they have been deprecated and replaced with "Project Admin" and "Organisation Admin" respectively