Create, Edit and Delete Contracts

Group 1649 Learn how to manage contracts like a pro! Our guide covers everything you need to know about creating, editing, and deleting contracts. Simplify your process with our easy-to-follow tips.


The following articles highlight how to:

Create a Contract

Managing contracts on a project is crucial for its success. From planning to design, construction, and handover, various contracts are assigned to different parties like architects, design consultants, engineering consultants, and builders. Mastt simplifies and automates essential tasks related to contracts. Easily create contracts using these simple steps!


Step 1: Locate the Cost Module in the Hamburger Menu (Budgets-Jan-18-2024-01-59-28-9356-AM). Then, on the Overall page, either hover over + Add and choose + Add Contract, or click on the Three Dots Menu (...) next to a Budget or the Project and select Add Contract.

Note: When you add a Contract via the Budget's Three Dots Menu (...), it auto-selects the Budget.

Tip: You can also add a contract using the Contracts Register Page.


Step 2: You will now see the Add Contract form, where you'll find fields to fill in with the necessary information. You can add important documents and make comments at the bottom of the form. Click Add once completed.

Note: If the Contract has a breakdown into different Milestones, stages or items, click Add Milestone to add rows to the Contract.

Pro Tip: Click on Additional Fields to turn on whether the contract is reimbursable and add information like the Vendor's ABN and the PO Number.


    Step 3: To view the Contract you've created or view a list of all Contracts on a project, you can access the Contract Register by clicking on Contracts in the top menu of the Cost Module

    Step 4: Take a deep dive into the Contract you've created by viewing the Contract's Detail View.

    • Contracts must be PENDING or APPROVED in order to Create Variations. Only a PENDING status Variation can be added if a Contract is PENDING.
    • Similarly, Contracts must be APPROVED in order to Create Payments.

    Edit a Contract

    Making changes to contracts in Mastt needs careful attention due to connections with Variations, Payments, and Cash Flow.

    It's recommended to talk to your Project Administrator to make sure you have the right access and permissions before making any changes or deletions to contracts.


    If you're comfortable with editing a contract, here are simple steps to follow!


    Step 1: From the Hamburger Menu, go to Cost and select Contracts to navigate to the Contracts Register.

    Step 2: In the Contract Register, click the Three Dots Menu (...) next to the Contract you'd like to edit, select Edit Contract

    Step 3: When you're in the Edit Contract form, you'll see that it looks similar to the Add Contract form. However, it's important to be mindful of the built-in rules because of the connections with Variations, Payments, and Cash Flow that happen once the contracts are created and actively managed. Take a look at the rules listed below.

    • If a Contract has Payments, you can't reduce the $ value of the Contract to be less than the Claimed/Paid amount. 
    • If a Contract has Variations that are directly against a milestone/item, you won't be able to remove that milestone/item from the Contract without first removing the Variation.
    • If the Contract is APPROVED and has Variations or Payments, you won't be able to change the status to PENDING or DRAFT.


    Step 4: You can delete or remove milestones from the Contract by clicking the 'Payments-Feb-19-2024-09-27-29-1253-PM' on the right-hand side of the form. If there are any payments or variations against the milestone, you cannot delete the milestone until you have deleted the payments or variations against the milestone.  

    Step 5: Once you're happy with the updates, click Update Contract in the bottom right of the form.

    Delete a Contract

    When deleting contracts in Mastt, it's important to be cautious because there are connections with Variations, Payments, and Cash Flow that need attention.

    If you're comfortable with deleting a contract, just follow these simple steps!


    Step 1: From the Project Menu, click Contracts to navigate to the Contracts Register. 

    Step 2: In the Contract's list, find the contract you want to delete, then click on the Three Dots Menu (...) next to it and choose the option Delete Contract.

    Step 3: After you click Delete, a pop-up notification may appear if there are any Variations, Payments or Forecasts against the contract. If you see this notification, you won't be able to delete the contract immediately. You'll need to remove all Payments, Variations and Forecasts against the Contract before you are able to delete the Contract. If there are no Payments, Variations or Forecasts against the Contract, you can delete the contract by confirming the deletion in the pop-up.

    WARNING: Any Cash Flow associated with the Contract will also be deleted.



    If you need any more help, you can click on this link to submit a ticket to our support team! We're here to help and ready to assist you further.