Overview of the Overall Page

Group 1650 The Overall Page for a Project or Program presents all of the information needed to determine the current financial position of a Project of Program. With the Overall Page, you have the ability to see all the entire cost plan: consisting of budgets, contracts, variations, forecasts, and payment progress. 

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding the Icons & Colour Coding
  2. A detailed overview of the columns
  3. How to create a Budget, Contract, Forecast, Variation and Payments under the Overall Page
  4. Overall: Sort, Filter, Hide, Show, Move, Reset and Pin Columns
  5. Adjusting Columns: Payment Progress Bar
  6. Exporting: Current View

Did you know? 
If you hover over the column titles a brief description will pop up.

🕵️ Understanding the Icons & Colour Coding


🕵️ A detailed overview of the columns

A detailed overview of the columns and the data presented within is shown further down this page, however, at a high level the Overall page presents:

  • Budgets and Budget Adjustments: total amount of financial resources that are allocated to a project
  • Contracts and Variations: this gives us the Current Contract or Current Commitments
  • Forecast & Uncommitted: this includes Forecasts and not yet approved Contracts and Variations
  • Final Forecast Cost: consisting of the Current Contract + Forecast & Uncommitted columns. This also gives us the Variance, which is the under or over against the Budget
  • Payment Progress: This bar graph highlights the total PAID, Approved, Submitted and Amount Remaining 

👨‍🏫 To learn more about the data that goes into each of these columns, see below!

👉 Budgets and Adjustments

In this section of the Overall, we have the columns:

  • Original Budget - The data that is entered when Budgets and Sub-Budgets are added/created
  • Adjustments - The amounts that are moved between Budgets and Sub-Budgets
  • Budget - The current Budget, taking into account the Adjustments that have been performed. 

👉 Contracts and Variations

In this section of the Overall, we have the columns:

  • Contract - The data for all APPROVED status Contracts.
  • Variations - The data for all APPROVED or IN-PRINCIPLE approved Variations against Contracts
  • Current Contract = Contract + Variations

👉 Uncommitted

In this section of the Overall, we have a single column Forecast & Uncommitted which includes:

  • Contracts - PENDING status 
  • Variations - FORECAST and PENDING status
  • Forecasts - OPEN status

👉 Final Forecast Cost & Variance

In this section of the Overall, we have the columns:

  • Final Forecast Cost = Current Contract + Forecast & Uncommitted
  • Variance = Final Forecast Cost - Budget

👉 Payments and Balances

In this section of the Overall, we have the columns:

  • Paid to Date  - The data for Payment Claims that are both APPROVED and PAID status. Despite the title of the column as 'Paid' to date, we currently include APPROVED status in here as a better representation of progress.
  • Amount Remaining = FFC - Paid - Approved Payments 
  • Complete % = Paid + Approved / FFC

👨‍🏫 How to create a Budget, Contract, Forecast, Variation and Payments under the Overall Page

Step 1. Within the Overall Cost Module, click + ADD to display the options to add a Budget, Contract, Forecast, Variation and Payments. Another way is to click the three dots menu to show the ADD option for Budget, Contract and Forecast. 

Step 2. 
A form will pop- up, complete all the important details and click the Add Budget button located at the lower right hand side corner of the form to save.

Adding a Budget example form. (Same prompt with other cost register)

Step 3. Click the register tabs to see the list of the Budget, Contract, Forecast, Variation or Payments that you created.

From there, you can also edit or delete an item by clicking the three dots menu next to the title.

👨‍🏫 Overall: Sort, Filter, Hide, Show, Move, Reset and Pin Columns

You can sort or arrange each column under the Overall Page, let's find out how!

To sort or arrange columns and their respective data, follow these easy steps.

Step 1: From the Cost Module, navigate to the Overall Page.

Step 2: Hover over a column header to reveal the three-dots menu and arrow icon.

            Click the three dots menu to show options.

Step 3: Choose your action on the drop-down menu and follow the prompt.

NOTE: Not all columns are can be sorted

👉 Adjust and Move Columns

Step 1: Hover over the lines between the columns to adjust them.
Step 2: Click and hold the column title to drag or move.

👉 Freeze Columns Left or Right

Step 1: Hover over a column title to reveal the three-dots menu and arrow icon, then click the three-dots menu to show options.
Step 2: Click Pin to Left or Pin to Right. 

👉 To Unpin a column: 

Step 1: Hover over to the column title to reveal the three-dots menu.
Step 2: Click the three-dots menu and select 'Unpin'.

Or simply click RESET button located at the top right corner of the Overall Page to fix the columns.

👉 Adjusting Columns: Payment Progress Bar

Here's to how to turn on/off Payment Progress Bar 
Step 1: To access Cost Module, click the Hamburger Menu and select Cost.
Step 2: Go to the right-hand side corner and click the 'Adjust Columns'.
Step 3: Toggle on/off Payment Progress and It will automatically display the result.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

This is how it looks like when the Payment Progress is on/off.

Payment Progress: OFF Payment Progress: ON

👨‍🏫 Exporting: Current View

Step 1: Customize the columns by selecting 'Adjust Columns' located at the top right corner of the Overall Page.
Step 2: Click the title of the columns that you would like to appear on your report.
Step 3: Click export current view - this will generate a .CSV file for your exact view.

You can also click on the white boxes to Generate a Report (PDF)